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Our main goals for fundraising this year are to purchase additional playground and outdoor classroom equipment. We understand the important role that nature plays in enhancing school-time experiences at each grade level, whether it's structured learning time in an outdoor classroom environment or unstructured play time on the playground.

In addition to those efforts, we will continue to use fundraising proceeds to provide equipment, books, and supplies for our classrooms, while organizing school events such as special assemblies, the Fall Festival, Get Up and Go Night, Bedtime Stories, and our End-of-the-Year Party. Stay tuned for more information.

Our main fundraising opportunities this year include the fall Cherrydale catalogs, Art to Remember around the winter holidays, Butter Braids in the spring, and our Fun Run in May in addition to our year-round passive fundraisers like Box Tops for Education and AmazonSmile.

Not into order forms and delivering products? No problem. You can also help our efforts by participating in the UNfundraiser. Your participation in the UNfundraiser requires no phone calls to friends or relatives, no money to collect, no product to deliver, no 4 dozen cupcakes to bake, no pressure. Simply make a check in any amount you wish payable to “Sandhill Working For Kids,” and return it to your student’s teacher in an envelope marked “WFK UNfundraiser.” The best part is, 100% of your donation will go to Sandhill WFK, and is tax deductible!

Should you have any questions about fundraising this year, please feel free to contact a WFK board member.

Thanks for your continued support of Sandhill Elementary.

WFK Board

President, Kelsey Gleason

Secretary, Maria Wopat

Treasurer, Sara Rosenstein

Staff Liaison, Kelly Stewart