Frequently Asked Questions
What are the Sandhill Elementary School phone numbers?
Sandhill Elementary School Office: 608-877-5400
Mr. Bob Johnson, Principal: 608-877-5401
Mr. Jeff Eilbes, Dean of Students: 608-877-5422
Ms. Terri Plank, Administrative Assistant: 608-877-5402
Mrs. Mindy Holverson, Health Assistant: 608-877-5404
Sandhill Elementary School Attendance/Absence line: 608-877-5400, press "1"
Stoughton Area School District 4-Year-Old Kindergarten: 608-877-5404
What are the school hours?
School hours are: 7:45 am to 3:00 pm
What time do the doors open?
Students are allowed to enter the building at 7:35 am. Please do not drop students off at school before 7:30 am. There is no outside supervision until 7:30 am.
What are the Sandhill Elementary School office hours?
Sandhill Elementary School Office hours are 7:30am - 3:30pm
What time does my child have lunch?
Kindergarten Lunch: 11:50-12:10
First Grade Lunch: 12:00-12:20
Second Grade Lunch: 12:05-12:25
Third Grade Lunch: 11:30-11:50
Fourth Grade Lunch: 11:40-12:00
Fifth Grade Lunch: 11:45:12:05
What is the procedure for dropping off/picking up my child before and after school?
Safety is a top priority for our Sandhill students, staff and families. As we all know, before and after school times are extremely busy at an elementary school. To view the specific process for dropping off and picking up your child before and after school using the main circle drive, please click on this link: Sandhill Traffic Procedures.
Where can I park when I visit between 8:15 and 2:45?
The best place to park is in the large staff parking lot. LakeView Church has kindly opened their parking lot for Sandhill visitor parking.
If you need to do quick business in the school, it is OK to park in the stalls located in the bus circle drive any time after 8:15 am and before 2:45 pm, and then again after 3:20 pm.
What do I do if my child is absent from school?
Educators and guardians must work together to ensure students are present at school each day ready to learn. As our partners in school success, we ask that you please send your child to school on time every day. Should you find it necessary for your student to be absent from school for any reason, please call and notify the school attendance line listed below.
In the event that a student absence is necessary, parents/guardians must contact the school before 8:20 am the day of the absence or send a note in advance of the absences to excuse the absence.
To leave an absence message please call 608-877-5400 and listen for the attendance line prompt. Give your child's name, date of absence, and reason for the absence.
When a student is absent and the parent/guardian has not contacted the school, an automated Save Arrival message will be sent to your designated contact(s) advising of the absence.
If the absence is due to a medical appointment, we ask that you please provide the office with a medical note upon your child's return to school.
Some important items to note:
- Parents/guardians are able to excuse their student 10 "part or whole days" per year. One absent period in one day counts towards the 10 "part or whole days" absent. A letter will be sent to you after the 10th excused absence to notify you that all 10 absences have been used.
- An elementary school student will be marked absent if they arrive at the classroom more than 45 minutes late in the morning or after lunch. They will be marked absent if they leave school before 2:15 pm. Support needed to reduce excessive tardies may be discussed at a meeting with school staff and parents/guardians.
- We urge families to avoid taking vacations when school is in session, as days missed because of family vacation count as part of the 10 days a parent/guardian may excuse their student. Any absences over 10 become unexcused.
- The State of Wisconsin considers a student truant when they have 5 or more unexcused absences in one semester. If your student reaches this point, a meeting will be scheduled for school staff, parents/guardians, and the student to discuss what steps and supports are needed to improve attendance.
The District Attendance Policy po5200 states that students may be excused by their parent/guardian for 10 partial or full days within the school year (a partial day is defined by one or more periods during a day). Beyond the 10 days, an absence will only be excused if it falls into one of the following categories:
- A medical reason that is documented with a medical note (physician, dentist, counselor)
- A court appearance that requires the student's presence
- A family emergency that necessitates the student's presence
- A death in the immediate family
- Religious observance
- Approved school activities
- Pre-approval by a school administrator
What do I do when I need to pick up my child before the end of the school day for an extenuating circumstance?
When a student leaves school between the hours of 7:45 am and 3:00 pm, the parents/guardians/other emergency contact designee must call the office. The student sign-out sheet is located in the office and will be completed by the office staff or the person picking up the student. School personnel will call the student to the office.
What do I do if I want to volunteer at the school?
We welcome volunteers at Sandhill Elementary School. If you are interested in volunteering, contact a classroom teacher or the school principal. Find more information here.
What are the school safety, visitor and volunteer sign-in procedures?
We love to have volunteers come help during the school day. If you have not had a chance to connect with your child's teacher about opportunities to help, please feel free to do so anytime.
When visitors and volunteers come to the school, we ask that you follow our safety rules about checking in at the office. During the school day, 7:45 am-3:00 pm, all visitors must check into the school office first. The visitor's name and driver license information will be submitted to the National Sex Offender database. All approved visitors will be issued a badge/sticker before they can continue with their school business. Visitors must stop back into the office upon departure and turn in their badge/sticker.
Please let us know if you have any questions about this process or school safety concerns.
How do I pay for my child's lunch?
The Stoughton Area School District contracts with TAHER to provide breakfast, lunch and milk for students. Students may elect to take either a school lunch, which includes a milk, or cold lunch from home, and may purchase a milk for lunch. They also provide morning milk during break for students who elect to take it. All prices for lunches and milk are provided here.
You must add money to your child's lunch account using the Infinite Campus portal.
If I need to write a check for fees, or field trips , who do I make the check out to?
We encourage online payments whenever possible. If you must write a check, please make checks payable to: "Stoughton Area School District."
How will I know when school is closed due to the weather or other emergency?
If school will be closed or delayed due to inclement weather or other emergencies, Madison radio stations WTDY (1480), WTSO (1070), and WIBA (1310); FM stations WIBA (101.5), WMGN (98), WJJO (94.1), WZEE (104.1), WMLI (96.3), WMAD (92.1); and WISC-TV Channel 3, WMTV Channel 15, and WKOW Channel 27 will begin broadcasting any school closing or delay at 6:30 am and continue periodically until about 8 am. A school closure message will also be sent via School Messenger to the phone number designated at registration.
Are there school fees?
Yes, elementary (Kindergarten through Grade 5) school fees are $10 and are collected during the enrollment process.
Where can I enroll my child if I am new to the District?
Please see the district web site for new student registration information or you may call 608-877-5000.
What school supplies are needed?
School supply lists for each grade are listed on the SASD website, under the Sandhill Need to Know page. Any family with financial needs for school supplies and backpacks, can call the office or let the classroom teacher know. We are happy to help.
May my child carry or use a cell phone at school?
Students may not use cell phones and any other two-way communication devices during the school day. Students are expected to keep the cell phone, turned off, in their assigned locker. If a student is using a cell phone or has it out during the school day, it will be confiscated by school staff and returned to the student at the end of the day. Every classroom has a telephone. In the event that a student needs to use a phone, the teacher will provide the classroom telephone and will monitor the call. Students may also use the student phone located in the main office.
Where can I learn more about school activities taking place in school?
Classroom/grade level letters are often sent home with students. In addition, an electronic newsletter is sent home via email, weekly during the school year. Please check the Campus Portal to make sure the school has your current email address.
Is there a parent group at Sandhill?
Working for Kids (WFK) is a great organization that does a lot to support learning and the school environment. Sandhill's Working for Kids volunteer; sponsor assemblies and evening activities; purchase playground equipment, technology and many other materials and supplies that support Sandhill staff and students.
All parents and guardians are welcome to find out more about this group by attending their meetings the first Monday of most months, at 6:30 pm in the Sandhill School Library. Free daycare is provided during the meeting. For more WFK parent group information, log on to the SASD website and click on the "Parent and Community" tab.